Civil and Political rights are secondary to Economic, Social and Cultural rights, as the former cannot thrive without the implementation of the latter.

Your answer must not exceed 4000 words (excluding footnotes and bibliography). Your answer must include a bibliography The bibliography and footnotes must comply with the Oxford Standard for the Citation of Legal Authorities (OSCOLA). QUESTION Civil and Political rights are secondary to Economic, Social and Cultural rights, as the former cannot thrive without the implementation … Read more

What are the advantages and disadvantages of keeping the strategic-planning process secret vs. placing the firm’s strategic plan on the corporate website and discussing strategies and planning publically?

What are the advantages and disadvantages of keeping the strategic-planning process secret vs. placing the firm’s strategic plan on the corporate website and discussing strategies and planning publically? (2 main advantages and 2 main disadvantages)Does type of industry even matter in keeping the strategic-planing process secret?Rank order the four “secret” practices listed above in terms … Read more

What are some of the search operators you can use in a Google search to query results from specific domains, Web sites, or links?

Passive Reconnaissance a) What is passive reconnaissance? b) Why do hackers use passive reconnaissance? c) Can organizations prevent passive reconnaissance? Why/How? d) What are some of the search operators you can use in a Google search to query results from specific domains, Web sites, or links? e) What would be the Google search syntax to … Read more

What four steps are involved in developing a strategy?

What four steps are involved in developing a strategy? The role of nursing in research analysis for improving practice environments and patient outcomes cannot be understated. As you might be aware, research outcomes play a major role in evidence-based nursing practice. You will be formulating research questions; collecting, summarizing, and interpreting data; and understanding the … Read more

What are the factors affecting employee wellbeing in the workplace?

The purpose of this evidence-based project is for students to demonstrate their ability to critically analyze a problem related to their interdisciplinary concentration/major. Investigative research paper- This option allows students to design and implement a critical analysis of a problem, issue, or topic that cannot be addressed adequately by just one discipline. The following components … Read more

What patient education should be included after the pancreatitis is resolved?

Considering the patient’s homelessness and lack of insurance, what action should the practitioner take? When the patient asks why his condition cannot be managed outside of the hospital, how should the practitioner respond? When the patient arrives to the hospital for further diagnostic work-up, what tests will likely be performed to evaluate the patient’s condition? … Read more

Describe the kinds of activities you saw people take part in and identify at least one important activity that would leave no trace.

This assignment is for introduction to archaeology class and this assignment is 30% of my grade. It has two tasks drawing a site map and writing 300 words. Instruction (please carefully follow the instructions) Go outside and find an “important” place (choose Central park /lake Elizabeth in Fremont, California) . Imagine what the place will … Read more