Create a brochure/handout for parents/guardians regarding their student’s growth and development.

This assignment is to create a brochure. Bergin, C.C. & Bergin, D.A. (2019). Child and Adolescent Development in Your Classroom, Chronological Approach, 1st Edition Cengage 9781305964273 Instructions: You are the head of an organization that supports local students and their caretakers. Guardians/Parents come to you and your staff for support in better understanding their adolescent child. Create a brochure/handout for parents/guardians regarding their student’s growth and development. Address the changes in brain development, physical growth, and some common contemporary challenges that they may face with their adolescent student (i.e. risk taking behaviors, lack of sleep, drug use, etc.). Make your brochure/handout easy to read, visually pleasing and research based.

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