What is your client’s attitude and personality traits relating to making these lifestyle changes?

You have explored various lifestyle behaviors, attitudes, and thoughts and how these might promote or compromise one’s health and wellness now and in the future. You have studied various therapeutic approaches and techniques to assist people in gaining awareness of needed changes and supporting them as they implement these changes. You have learned about the health inequities experienced by various ethic groups across the United States and how this challenges people in improving their health and wellness. As you studied specific chronic illnesses such as Type 2 diabetes, heart disease, hypertension and stroke, you saw some commonalities emerge in the development and management of these chronic conditions. Oftentimes, people are given the advice or direction by their physician to make lifestyle changes to prevent or better manage one of these illnesses, Some times people are able to make those changes and other times they are not able or willing to make them. Your hypothetical client comes to you after his/her physician recommends lifestyle changes and it is your “job” to help with this. The purpose of this assignment is for you to demonstrate what you have learned from the course by discussing your hypothetical client’s concerns regarding a specific health risk and answering some specific questions. The video below reminds you how a health psychologist helps clients in a family medicine type of practice. First consider: https://youtu.be/fH_s8VVJD1s Reference: American Psychological Association. (2015). Psychologists in integrated healthcare: Family medicine. [Video]. YouTube. https://youtu.be/fH_s8VVJD1s Instructions NOTE: As you write this paper, the creation of your client and his or her life is your creative endeavor. However, it is expected that your answers to the questions will be based on information gained from this course and you will cite your sources throughout the paper and have a list of resources on your references page. Introduction: In the first section of your paper, no more than a full page, you will describe this client using this information and giving his or her “presenting problem”. Refer back to the Graded Survey: Client Creation in Module 3 for the specifics you identified to create your client. ( uploaded in the writing instructions) The presenting problem is the reason for this person’s visit with you. Feel free to be creative as you introduce this person, but keep your information specific and detailed and without your judgements – just “the facts.” Also, include the specific location and type of residence of your client. For example, the person lives on the Rosebud Reservation near Rosebud, SD or in the inner city in Atlanta, GA, or in the suburbs of Chicago, IL or in the small town of Gun Barrel City, TX. This specific location is important as you will give your client community support services information to assist them. Content: Include the answers to these questions in the content of your paper. Your “client” will be the examples you use. What are the risk factors to the chronic disease and the statistics as it relates to people in the same ethnicity as your client? How will the biopsychosocial model be more helpful as you plan to work with your client? Compare and contrast it with that of the biomedical model. What lifestyle changes need to be made for your client to either prevent the onset of the chronic disease or to manage it, if a diagnosis has occurred? What is your client’s attitude and personality traits relating to making these lifestyle changes? Has the client attempted to make these changes in the past? If yes, were the past attempts seen as successful or as a failure? If not, why not? What is the self-efficacy of the client? What type of support does your client have to assist in making the changes? Which behavior change model will you use to structure the behavior changes? How will you address relapse in the change process? What challenges or obstacles do you foresee that may impede the client’s progress? How specifically can motivational interviewing and cognitive-behavior therapy help? What techniques will be helpful and give examples? Give 3 to 5 examples. Referring to the Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM) techniques, what could be helpful in making these changes and how? Discuss how unmanaged stress affects the development or management of this disease. What various coping strategies can your client use to help with this? Referencing the specific location of your client’s residence, what community resources are available to help your client be successful in making these changes? Describe at least 3 to 5 specific community resources and how these can help your client. Conclusion: Conclude your paper with a brief summary of your client’s visit. References: On its own separate page, in APA style, list the resources used to create this paper. Formatting the paper: The paper is written in APA style with one inch margins, double-spaced, indented paragraphs. The paper should contain a title page, at least 4 to 6 full pages of content, and a references page. All resources used must have in-text citations in order to give credit to the author of the direct quote or summarization that you use in your paper. The APA reference for our text is: Taylor, S. E. & Stanton, A. L. (2021). Health psychology (11th ed.). McGraw Hill. The matching in-text citation for a direct quote might be: Taylor & Stanton (2021) explained “quote, quote” (p. x). The matching in-text citation for a paraphrase might be: When reviewing the text (Taylor & Stanton, 2021) it becomes clear that…

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