Discuss the Consequences of Social Media Consumption on Self-Esteem and Motivation in Young Adults and Adolescents.

Read the instructions!
The paper is supposed to be 10-12 pages long, but it is currently 15 pages long. Please fix what the teacher’s notes say and clean it up.
Topics and subtopics of the paper are clearly described, discussed, and are well structured. Importance of the topic was demonstrated, although I got the impression that the effects of SM on self-esteem were more significant than the effects on motivation. The paper reads well overall. The use of words like “youngsters” was the only instance in which I felt the paper didn’t read in a professional manner. Some elaboration on acronyms could also be helpful for readers; such as inserting “(fear of missing out)” after using term FOMO – at least for the first time it is used so that the reference has been established – another acronym that may require elaboration would be “SMI”. Also some slight grammatical corrections would help the paper to read better (mostly commas being in wrong places or absent). I would say ideas/positions/arguments were effectively expressed in this paper. In text citations and overall format looked good to me. A number of the reference list citations were improperly formatted – capitalizations were incorrect. Other small notes: Conclusion read more like an introduction to me. The small note on page 3 about social media use and gangs seemed out of place and there was no source cited for this statement – evidence would be helpful. Adding page breaks might help to make the formatting a bit cleaner. Overall I’d say this paper is well written and is a really good start! It just needs a few adjustments. 🙂 Good job!

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