Why do researchers create AI systems that play games?

Berliner, H. ‘Backgammon computer program beats world champion’, Artificial Intelligence 14(2) 1980, pp.205–20.
Schaeffer, J. ‘A gamut of games’, AI Magazine 22(3) 2001, pp.29–29.
Shannon, C. ‘Programming a computer for playing chess’, Philosophical Magazine 41(4) 1950, pp.256–75.
Strachey, C. ‘Logical or non-mathematical programmes’ in: Proceedings of the Association for Computing Machinery Meeting (New York: Association of Computing Machinery, 1952) pp.46–49.
Berliner, H. ‘Backgammon computer program beats world champion’, Artificial Intelligence 14(2) 1980, pp.205–20.
Schaeffer, J. et al. ‘A world championship caliber checkers program’, Artificial Intelligence 53:2–3 1992, pp.273–89.
Campbell, M.A., J. Hoane Jr and Feng-hsiung Hsu ‘Deep blue’, Artificial Intelligence 134(1–2) 2002, pp.57–83.
Sheppard, B. ‘World-championship-caliber Scrabble’, Artificial Intelligence 134(1–2) 2002, pp.241–75.
Togelius, J. et al. ‘The Mario AI championship 2009–2012’, AI Magazine 34(3) 2013, pp.89–92.

Write an essay about game playing AI. Your essay should answer the following
1) Why do researchers create AI systems that play games?
To answer this question, explain how researchers justify the development of AIs
that play games.
2) What are THREE possible application areas for AI systems that play
To answer this question, describe three possible application areas for gameplaying AI systems.
3) What do researchers think are the ethical problems with game-playing
To answer this question, discuss the ethical aspects presented by researchers
about game playing AIs.
4) Are neural networks the best game players?
Based on what you have read, discuss this question, using evidence from the

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