What imagery does the author use to describe the setting?

What imagery does the author use to describe the setting?
Create a 2- page, double-spaced paper, focusing on and discussing the author’s use of imagery & setting in “Everyday Use,” by Alice Walker. Remember to support your claims and observations with examples and details from the story. Choose only one story, not both, and discuss and analyze the author’s use and the importance of imagery and setting in relation to the story’s plot, characters, message, and theme. Use double space and 12 pt. Times New Roman font, 1” margin all around Essay #2 Requirements: MLA format, including a works cited pageMust use one other source from Bloom’s literary database (in the form of two quotes) to support your essay.Must use at least two quotes drawn directly from the story.2 double-spaced pages, exclusive of the works cited page

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