Christianity is the religion chosen: create an persuasive essay analyzing the influence of Christianity on WEstern Civilization .

Christianity is the religion chosen: create an persuasive essay analyzing the influence of Christianity on WEstern Civilization . How you formulate your argument is completely up to you. You can assess the influence of the religion on the society where it was established This is entirely up to you so long as you present an argument in the form of a thesis and then support that argument in the supporting paragraphs. Writing your Essay After you have carefully reviewed your sources and composed a solid thesis, you will need to write a short essay on the topic. The format for the essay is as follow: Introduction: Write an introductory paragraph that describes the argument you intend to make in your paper. The introduction sets the stage for your thesis statement so it will include the thesis statement from the previous assignment stating what you intend to prove or argue in the body of your writing. Since you can revise your thesis in that earlier assignment you should have your final one that you are using in this paper submitted there. The direction and flow of your paper is largely driven by the quality of thesis you present in your introduction so be sure that you have a clear and focused thesis. Body Paragraphs: Write supporting paragraphs that support the argument presented in your thesis. These supporting paragraphs should use the source document to support your position as well as any other outside sources you used in order to support your argument. There is no maximum to the number of supporting paragraphs that you can use to make your argument, but be sure to keep you paper focused on your argument and do not fill it with irrelevant material. Conclusion: Write a conclusion paragraph that re-frames your argument and sums up the overall essay. Paper Requirements: Must contain the last submitted thesis statement from the thesis statement assignment Minimum length is 1500 words, there is no maximum Must be typed in Times New Roman, 12 point font with standard 1″ page margins, double spaced If you are using an Apple, or GoogleDocs you will need to export it into the proper file format. All sources must be cited using standard MLA in text citation (again, see MLA Format GuidelinesLinks to an external site.) and include an up to date Work Cited page like you created in the previous assignment. Rubric 2022 Rough Draft 2022 Rough Draft Criteria Ratings Pts This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeCreate a thesis Create a clear and focused thesis statment 10 pts Exceptional The author’s thesis is focused and gives clear direction for the paper. 7 pts Skilled The author’s thesis is mostly focused and gives sufficient direction for the paper. 5 pts Proficient The author’s thesis is not very focused and does not give a clear direction for the paper. 2 pts Minimal The author’s thesis lacks any focus and give no clear direction for the paper. 0 pts Inadequate The author has not created a clear thesis for this paper. 10 pts This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeCreate an Argument Create an argument through the use of historical evidence. (Critical Thinking and Communication Skills) 20 pts Exceptional The author weaves together the facts throughout the paper while exploring the evidence. 14 pts Skilled The author includes many facts but does not cover them in depth or detail. 10 pts Proficient the author includes some facts but does not weave them together. 4 pts Minimal The author includes minimal facts and does not weave them together. 0 pts Inadequate The author does not use the historical evidence in a logical way. 20 pts This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeAnalyze Sources Analyze and interpret primary and secondary sources. (Critical Thinking and Communication Skills) 20 pts Exceptional The author shows exceptional understanding of the sources and interprets the material extremely well. 14 pts Skilled The author shows understanding of the sources and interprets the material with some skill. 10 pts Proficient The author shows some understanding of the sources, but show littler interpretive skills. 4 pts Minimal The author shows little understanding of the sources and does not interpret their meaning. 0 pts Inadequate The author shows inadequate understanding of the sources and does not interpret them. 20 pts This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeAnalyze the Effects Analyze the effects of historical, social, political, economic, cultural, and global forces on this period of United States history. (Social and Personal Responsibility) 20 pts Exceptional The author clearly understands the effects of the events or sources on this period of US history. 14 pts Skilled The author shows skilled understanding of the effects of the events or sources on this period of US history. 10 pts Proficient The author has difficulty placing the events or sources within the context of this period of US history. 4 pts Minimal The author has a minimal ability to put the events or sources in the context of this period of US history. 0 pts Inadequate The author shows an inability to put the events or sources in the context of this period of US history. 20 pts This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeStructure and Grammar Use appropriate structure and grammar in the writing. 20 pts Exceptional The author has created a paper that uses excellent structure and has no grammatical or spelling errors. 14 pts Skilled The author has created a paper that uses good structure and has a minimal amount of grammatical or spelling errors. 10 pts Proficient The author has created a paper that has some structure, but has several grammatical or spelling errors. 4 pts Minimal The author has created a paper that lacks structure and has many grammatical or spelling errors. 0 pts Inadequate The author’s paper has no structure and has too many grammatical or spelling errors. 20 pts This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeCitation Create proper footnote citations for sources used in writing. 10 pts Exceptional The author has cited sources in a footnote style with no citation errors. 7 pts Skilled The author has cited sources in a footnote style with only minor citation errors. 5 pts Proficient The author has cited sources in a footnote style but there are multiple errors in the citations. 2 pts Minimal The author has not cited sources using proper footnote citations. 0 pts Inadequate The author has no citations. 10 pts This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeSLO1: Create an argument through the use of historical evidence. threshold: 2.0 pts 2 pts Meets Expectations 1 pts Does Not Meet Expectations 0 pts No Submission — This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeSLO2: Analyze and interpret primary and secondary sources threshold: 2.0 pts 2 pts Meets Expectations 1 pts Does Not Meet Expectations 0 pts No Submission — This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeSLO3: Analyze the effects of historical, social, political, economic, cultural, and global forces on this period of United States history threshold: 2.0 pts 2 pts Meets Expectations 1 pts Does Not Meet Expectations 0 pts No Submission — Total Points: 100

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