What was the author’s purpose for conducting the study (rational)? What did they investigate?

After reading the assigned article (a few times), you are expected to write a review of the article (3-4 pages). The paper should be organized according to the following questions:

1) What was the author’s purpose for conducting the study (rational)? What did they investigate?

2) Briefly explain the study reported in the article (e.g., number of experimental groups, activities, number of times well-being was assessed, etc.)

3) What were the findings of the study? How did the authors explain their findings? What are the implications of the findings for future research on happiness? I do not want you copy-paste the results. You are expected to present the important findings of the study in your own words. (at least one page)- NO quote statistics!

4) What is the significance of this study?
a) What does this study contribute to our understanding of happiness interventions? (at least half a page)
b) How does this study add to your own personal understanding? What did you learn? (at least half a page)

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