Overcrowding and prolonged wait times in the emergency department.

Write a 3-4 page paper in APA format. Please use sources in attached document Address the following Areas: Project Objectives The objectives are something you hope to achieve from doing the projectStrategies Strategies are the method you will use to reach the objectives you have set for your projectBackground Analysis This may also be called a situation analysis. This section you will need to discuss what is happening that made you decided to do your capstone project. You will also need to locate peer review articles that support you analysis. Objective[Introduce the objectives using SMART objectives (Specific, measurable, attainable, realistic and timeframe. This should be at least 1 fully formed paragraph with 3 SMART objectives (at least 5 sentences in length for each paragraph) with at least 1 in-text citation.]Strategies[Provide 2 strategies for each objective. What will you do to address the objectives? What will you do to create “improved outcomes”? Provide at least 3 fully formed paragraphs (at least 5 sentences in length for each paragraph) with in-text citations.]Background[Describe the problem or need. What do you hope to achieve by addressing this issue? Give a background of the problem supported by at least 2 in-text citations in a minimum of 3 fully formed paragraphs (at least 5 sentences).]Conclusion[The conclusion to the paper is at least 5 sentences, summarizes at least 3 key points, and has 1 citation.]

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