Write a paper based on the process we have covered to meet Course Learning Outcomes.

This week, we begin the writing process of our papers, due, IN COMPLETION on Monday, July 1 @ 11:59pm. The aim is to meet all requirements as best you can, based on the process we have covered to meet Course Learning Outcomes. Annotated Works Cited documents / Outline processes are paper plan you have created from the various steps we took through the research process. Feedback on your thesis statements have been provided two weeks ago and you will (if you have not already) receive more commentary on the Annotated Works Cited. This week’s Modules Content provides videos and notes to prepare you for writing this paper, and there is a checklist, below, to ensure your success. Students are responsible for all course content shared in modules task list. Please note: Course Learning Outcomes must be met, this includes the use of Bankier Databases, Credible Sources, Analysis, a Unique (not proven by your research, but by your analysis of it) Thesis Statement, The Introduction and Conclusion Techniques Provided (these are the way to communicate with opposition), and a Works Cited page — with the use of MLA documentation. These are for all students in ENGL-122, not just out class.

Use of AI, grammar platforms, or un-cited sources is not acceptable, based on course learning outcomes. Papers must be presented in 12 point Times, Times New Roman, or Calibri Fontin MLA Format (this includes all expectations, shared in the MLA Guide)ALL 8 required sources (4 credible websites, 4 database articles) must be usedMust present and support, with analysis, a UNIQUE thesis statement (research cannot directly prove it)Must include an introduction, thesis, background, and conclusion paragraph.Must include a Works Cited page (excluding annotations)This paper should be written by you, which means there should be no trace of generative A.I. on any available platform, including Grammarly and the like, as outlined in the syllabus and related signed contracts.Must involve the sources on the Annotated Works Cited, and no others.Must be six full pages (Works Cited page does not count.)Note here: introduction, background, and conclusion will likely take up two of these pages, all together once heading and title are in place.Remove extra spacing between paragraphs. Only double-spaced.Again, check modules task lists, go over the weeks, and make sure you use the content and techniques provided outside assignments, as they have the answers, the ways, and feed assignments. Most include examples of each course learning outcome, too.

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