Identify three different management styles of your choice (from the ones we have discussed in class)II.

(The module name for this assignment is Organisation Studies) Individually, you are to:I. Identify three different management styles of your choice (from the ones we have discussed in class)II. Choose one of the three you selected above to debate. Your debate must include as a minimum requirement;♦ Why you chose it♦ The Pros and Cons of this management style♦ State practical examples of such and the company♦ What element of the environment may have influenced this style Learning – (Word count is 2000 words)- (Give subheadings for the above points so that my professor knows which part is for which point)- (please Ensure that you include a reference list or bibliography at the end of the assignment)- (I have attached the document with the requirements of this assignment below and I have attached the slides document which includes the 7 Management Styles as well) 7 Management Styles have been discussed in class which include:-1. Authoritarian Management Styles2. Democratic Management Styles3. Laissez-Faire Management Styles4. Visionary Management Style5. Transactional Management Style6. Pacesetting Management Style7. Coaching Management Style Formatting:• You must include a cover sheet for this assignment which includes the following:o Module and Assessment name (e.g., Management First Summative 1 assessment)o Your candidate number (beginning with ‘2’) o Total word count for your assignment (not including reference list / bibliography or title page information)• You must include your candidate number at the top right corner of each page of your assignment.• Word-process your work in Arial, Calibri or Times New Roman in size 12 font and use double-spacing. Leave an additional space between paragraphs to show clearly where they start and end.• Unless advised otherwise, submissions should be completed using the appropriate Microsoft Office app (Word, PowerPoint, Excel etc.) or the correct file type for codebased assessment. Work should not be converted to PDF prior to submission Referencing:• Make sure all quote, summaries and paraphrases are correctly referenced using CiteThem Right’s Harvard referencing style (available here – This is the same style taught to you in your Academic English Skills classes and is the guide recommended by RHUL Library Services (more information available here –

g=380520&p=2577463).• Ensure that you are using reliable academic sources when conducting your research. Consult the module reading list and follow guidance provided on the course. Avoid using Wikipedia and other commercial websites as sources as these are not considered appropriate academic sources. If you have any doubts about what sources are viewed as non-academic, please check with your tutor.• Ensure that you include a reference list or bibliography at the end of your assignment.Which to use is outlined in the guidance to students above. Penalties for over-length submissions:• Candidates who exceed the word count by more than 10% will have 10 points deducted from their final score. Word count excludes title, cover page, candidate number, bibliography, and appendices. It includes the body of the text, all footnotes, and in-text citations.

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