Describe each situation, how they violated the requirement, the results of the violation and what could have been done to prevent it.

read the 12 requirements at this website 3 to write about,1. Read 12 Requirements of PCI DSS ComplianceLinks to an external site. and choose three to investigate. Find instances within the last three years where each of the three chosen requirements were violated. Describe each situation, how they violated the requirement, the results of the violation and what could have been done to prevent it.2.

Each of the three sections should be at least 300 words, 12-point font, single spaced, and use APA references and in-text citations for all three (or more) sources. 1. Read 12 Requirements of PCI DSS ComplianceLinks to an external site. and choose three to investigate. Find instances within the last three years where each of the three chosen requirements were violated. Describe each situation, how they violated the requirement, the results of the violation and what could have been done to prevent it.2. Each of the three sections should be at least 300 words, 12-point font, single spaced, and use APA references and in-text citations for all three (or more) sources.

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