Select an organization that has experienced a substantial change in the past 5 years.

Select an organization that has experienced a substantial change in the past 5 years. Find the company and the change information online using EBSCO or another appropriate resource in the DeVry Library. Other ways to find information include utilizing Google, Yahoo Finance, or Reuters and looking up annual reports of companies that interest you. Often, reading the first sections of these reports (i.e., letters from CEOs) will give you ideas about changes they have gone through in the past year(s). You will need to ensure the following: 1. Your organization is publicly traded so that information will be easy to research and find. 2. The changes happened in the recent past, so you will find sufficient online information about how they were handled, but are not so contemporary that the information about the change results still needs to be researched and published. Here are some research examples. These are simply illustrative. You can research and find several companies and topics of change that could work for this Course Project, and you are encouraged to do so. Please ask your professor for assistance if you have questions or need more ideas • Review an organization impacted by the pandemic. Furthermore, you can discuss how they handled these pressures (using a specific image of change management) and how a leader with a different image might have handled it differently. • Organizations have needed help selecting a new chief executive officer (CEO) for their company. Review the last 10 years of CEO history and write a paper comparing the pressures (internal or external) and how they impacted the company’s overall productivity. • Review a company entering the airline industry, its entrance into (and possibly its completion of) bankruptcy, and how it handled the changes through management. • Review a company that has recently been through mergers and acquisitions and how they handled the culture changes. • Review a company that has had industry changes, how they have reacted to those changes, either successfully or unsuccessfully, and how their reactions perhaps resulted in their success or failure. Paper Formatting (Use current APA formatting) o Use a title page. o 12-point Times New Roman, 11-point Georgia, or 10-point Computer Modern o Running Head is not required. o The paper is to be double-spaced with one-inch margins. o Each section of your paper should have headings (per the sections you are developing) that will guide the reader. o Indent paragraphs. o Insert page numbers at the top right. o Use current APA for the in-text citations throughout the paper. o Include a separate reference page at the end of the paper. All references per APA are to be in alphabetical order. o EACH SECTION MUST BE AT LEAST 3 PAGES o EACH SECTION MUST HAVE AT LEAST 4 reliable REFERENCES NOT INVESTOPEDIA o NO AI OR PLAGIARISM Analyzing the change This section focuses on the six different images of managing change and how each approach to change affects all that follows in its implementation and continued support. This paper should focus on evidence demonstrating how the organization’s management integrated one or more of the six images of managing change, how effective the change was, and what management could have done differently to increase the probability of successfully implementing the strategic change initiative. Here’s what to do. 1. Briefly describe the company’s industry, size, line of business, services, products, and other relevant background information. Use reputable sources such as company websites, industry reports, and academic journals. 2. Review and explain the change. o What did the change entail? o When did the change occur (timeline)? o Who was impacted by the change (consider all stakeholders, employees, vendors, customers, etc.)? 3. Analyze the Images of Change Management. o Briefly discuss the 6 Images of Change. o Discuss the images of change you think the leader of your selected organization resembled the most and explain why. The images selected will depend on how much information you find about the company’s internal workings during the shift. You may speculate. o Based on the information you read about the results of the change, state which image (or combination of images) you feel would have best facilitated the described change and explain why. Determining the Change Select a diagnostic model you can utilize to review aspects of change activities and actions that have been taken by the company chosen. You are looking at the company’s parts and strategies for this analysis, as surmised by your earlier research. It is acknowledged that this information will need to be completed as you are looking at these companies as an outsider. Still, a thoroughly researched paper will give enough data to allow some well-defended assumptions on your part. Here’s what to do: Select one diagnostic model (i.e., 6-box, 7S, congruence, or one of the others) to apply to the chosen company. Choose the model that best identifies and measures the relevant aspects of the organization’s performance. Apply the data obtained in your research by analyzing the appropriate chosen model. This will allow you to create a diagnosis of where the company is today (as per the criteria of the model). Identify potential areas of resistance that may occur and at least one strategy to respond to each. Make recommendations for further actions within the organizations and the rationale chosen for these recommendations. Communicating the Change An essential part of any change project is how the change is communicated to the organization, the change agents, the line workers, the customers, and the public. Along with media relations issues, communicating change (especially in a publicly traded company) can involve multiple legal and regulatory aspects as well as personnel and management concerns. Perhaps the most challenging part of handling Kotter’s “establish a sense of urgency” is that too many inexperienced or immature change agents read this to mean “panic the troops.” Never do this! Here’s what to do: 1. Write an analysis of the communication your company used to communicate the organizational change. o Research and analyze any media, news, or other communications that provide details on the change that occurred in the organization. o Explain how the change was communicated to its stakeholders and the information shared in the communication you researched. o Discuss whether the communication effectively addressed the change to its intended audience (refer to the Chapter 7 reading). 2. Create an original communication sample your organization could have distributed related to the change. Do not re-create a communication previously used by an organization. o Write the communication in a Word document (either the text or the script if the communication would have been oral). You may select to complete an interoffice memo, press release, employee or customer newsletter, or a corporate email update. o Use your creativity to communicate the message. The form of communication you use should be based on the appropriateness of the message. You will be graded on how well your communication relates to the audience and stakeholder group to which it is intended.

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