Explain How to build a green Unicorn at Scale.

In the coming years, governments and companies are expected to invest nearly $10 trillion per year. Berger-de Leon et al., (2022) have identified 11 investment areas, ranging from green transportation to decarbonization, see exhibit 2. These areas capture business opportunities and can be considered as value pools, available potential in the market for new revenues, that start-ups can exploit and help explain how your case company has transformed into a Unicorn company (because there is demand for its products/services):How to build a unicorn: Lessons from venture capitalists | McKinseyHence, sustainability has emerged as a critical value driver, and businesses have began to recognize the opportunity of addressing the challenge. Bowcott et al., (2022) observe corporate newcomers that are fostering sustainability as a strategic lever to create value, the rise of “climate unicorns”, capturing the business opportunity of climate technologies by drawing on five building blocks (exhibit 1). This you can use to explain the growth strategy and underlying capabilities in your case company.Green business building: Lessons from sustainability startups | McKinseyArtificial intelligence (AI) is often used in climate tech, such as a tools that predict weather, track icebergs, and identify pollution, to reduce environmental impact. By optimizing energy consumption, reducing waste, and enhancing resource management, AI is revolutionizing processes and driving the adoption of sustainable practices.However, with great power comes great responsibility. AI is proving to be a double-edged sword. While this can be said of most new technologies, both sides of the AI blade are far sharper, and neither is well understood. Cheatham et al., (2019) provide a useful catalog of AI risks and three principles that organizations, such as your case company, can embrace to mitigate the risks of applying AI and advanced analytics.Confronting AI risks | McKinseyBuilding a green business come with new challenges. For example, when scaling a new climate technology, it may be difficult to balance the time it takes to validate the technology on a demonstration scale while also planning industrial-scale installations across different conditions and geographies. Start-ups typically have been the first movers on some green ventures as they are often equipped with a higher tolerance for risk-taking and the ability to operate at faster speeds. Through working with organizations that have built and scaled green businesses successfully, Bland et al., (2022) have identified seven key principles. These you may find useful for providing managerial recommendations for how your start-up company can continue to grow and accelerate towards Net Zero.Green business opportunities and net zero | McKinsey Your task: How to build a green Unicorn at ScaleLaunching and scaling a new business is no easy feat. When you add the objective of solving some of the world’s greatest challenges, like climate change, the stakes are even higher. Your group task is to choose a tech start-up Unicorn preferably from the following listThe Full List of UK Unicorn Companies | Updated 2024 (beauhurst.com) and then: THE COMPANY I HAVE CHOOSEN FROM THE LIST IS : DELIVEROO You need to work on that company and then: * Provide managerial recommendations for how it can continue to grow and accelerate towards Net Zero – a target of completely negating the amount of greenhouse gases produced by human activity, to be achieved by reducing emissions and implementing methods of absorbing carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. It should be highly unplagiarised work plus the work should be of high quality. This module is covered at both bachelors and MBA levels so I need a writer who can deliver based on both levels and a PhD in the subject and a good writer. The word count is 600 words minimum, EXCLUDING references and tables.

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