Critically evaluate their holistic care needs, this may include the role of promoting and improving health and wellbeing and supporting self-care.

Patient Scenario: The student is required to: ·• Give a brief background to a patient/client and their family from the caseload requiring complex care management.• Critically evaluate their holistic care needs, this may include the role of promoting and improving health and wellbeing and supporting self-care.• Systematically evaluate the current health care policies and service provision’s responsiveness in the local area to meet the holistic care needs of the person.• Following the evaluation of current health service provision formulate a plan to implement the relevant provision for your patient and propose any changes if relevant.• Critically evaluate the skills required to ensure co-ordination of care to maintain the patient/client at home or other suitable environment.• The assessment and individual management care plan for the patient is in an appendix.• The essay should be fully referenced to include evidenced based literature, policy and guidance that have informed your work.• Consideration must be given to issues of confidentiality where data or information is not within the public domain.

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