After your service involvement in the organization of your choice, discuss: i.Has this changed your perception of hunger?

1.Hunger and Global Environment Project: Draft of two sections of your paper, the overview of organizations (part c) and implementation (part d) sections, must be submitted early in the semester. After a discussion, you will decide as a group which organization you will serve to complete your CLC: Hunger and Global Environment assignment Rough draft due first: criteria (rubic below) rought draft due on the 13th. Overview of Organizations 2.25 points Implementation Plan 2.25 points Mechanics of Writing 0.5 points Total 5 points Paper Hunger and Global Environment Project: ( NUTRITION PROGRAM CENTERS (CITY-COUNTY) 750- to 1,000-word document to be submitted individually. You may use reputable websites, but be sure your facts are accurate. a.Briefly state global and local hunger and food insecurity issues (how prevalent is this issue).b.Summarize the physical findings used in nutritional assessments for malnutrition (Table E-5 in the textbook).c.Research information on three different organizations that address local or global hunger or malnutrition. Summarize who they are, how they got started, what they do, and how/when/where college students can get involved. Quote their mission statement. Are they a faith-based organization? If so, what affiliation? If not, what is their affiliation?i.Ideas: Community garden, food banks, homeless shelters, food programs, etc. d.Describe a plan for implementation. How will you get involved, what service will you provide and how? e.”Why would college students get involved with this organization?” Quote a related Bible verse, then describe a rationale for action against hunger from the beliefs of the Christian worldview. Below is an example provided in the topic Resources, but you may include any others you feel meet the criteria.i.”What Does the Bible Say About Helping The Poor” f.After your service involvement in the organization of your choice, discuss: i.Has this changed your perception of hunger? If so, how? If not, why? How could this apply to your future, professionally or personally? Global and Local Hunger and Food Insecurity Overview 6 points Nutritional Assessment 6 points Overview of Organizations 6 points Implementation Plan 4 points Christian Worldview Integration 4 points Impact of Involvement 4 points Thesis Development and Purpose 2 points Argument Logic and Construction 2 points Mechanics of Writing 2 points Paper Format 2 points Documentation of Sources 2 points Total 40 points

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