What are the unique characteristics of the community?

This milestone focuses on the community characteristics portion of the community assessment. The community assessment is the final written assignment for this course. In any scholarly endeavor, clinical investigation, professional practice, or exploration of a scholarly topic, it is vital that you use scholarly evidence to support your analyses. Careful thought and planning are required when creating a health strategy that arises from a community assessment. You must use reliable sources and correct APA formatting. You must incorporate all instructor feedback into the final project.

For this milestone, choose a city or town within the United States to assess at the community level and provide a summary of the community characteristics portion of your community assessment, which will be submitted later in the course. By completing this milestone, you will be able to more clearly develop and articulate relevant information needed to complete the final project.

The following critical elements must be included:

Community Characteristics: What are the unique characteristics of the community?
How have the characteristics unique to the community influenced the delivery of nursing services within the community?
How has this community developed historically? How has this influenced the delivery of nursing services within the community?
How would you define this community geographically? How does this influence the delivery of nursing services?
What key groups exist within this community? Would any of these groups be considered a vulnerable population? Why or why not? How is delivering nursing services to these groups affected by local, regional, and national conditions?
Using census data, define the community in terms of demographics, with a focus on the socioeconomic climate. What are your specific concerns related to health status within the community?
What to Submit
This submission should be a Word document approximately 3–4 pages in length (not including reference page) and should be using proper APA publication format for in-text citations and references.

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