Describe how your state runs its prison system and programs referencing material from the text and other credible sources.

Please watch this video before beginning your CRMJ320 Course Project. Ted Talk: Dan Pacholke: How Prisons Can Help Inmates Live Meaningful Lives In this video, Dan Pacholke, Deputy Secretary for the Washington State Department of Corrections, shares his vision of prisons that provide humane living conditions as well as opportunities for meaningful work and learning. to an external site. Objective The objective for the CRMJ320 Course Project is to provide an opportunity for you to examine your state prison and correctional system and to share your findings and recommendations. Deliverables The CRMJ320 Course Project consists of the following deliverables. Deliverable 1: Course Project Draft and Annotated Bibliography (100 points, due Week 5) Deliverable 2: Course Project PowerPoint (100 points, due Week 7) The CRMJ320 Course Project addresses all Course Objectives. Guidelines Course Project PowerPoint (Due Week 7) The Course Project PowerPoint deliverable will include 8–10 slides with notes, not counting the title and reference slides. Please access the Student Resource Center for help on how to create a PowerPoint. Remember to do the following. Save and submit your PowerPoint. The PowerPoint allows your professor to see your slide presentation and your notes. For this project, you have been asked by the head of your committee to examine your state prison and correctional system and make any appropriate recommendations for improvement. Describe how your state runs its prison system and programs referencing material from the text and other credible sources. Identify alternatives that can be employed to improve the system as revealed in the literature or trade magazines. Look at other countries for alternatives on how to deal with inmates and remember to identify your sources. Make your final recommendations to the committee based on research findings published in scholarly articles. You will complete this project by following these three steps. Part 1 Follow these guidelines to complete Part 1 of the Course Project PowerPoint assignment. Describe how the state you selected runs its prison system and programs. Identify alternative practices that can be employed to improve the system. Thoroughly research the corrections system for the state you selected. Address the following. Number of incarcerated offenders by race and gender Types of offenders by the crime they committed who are housed in minimum, medium, and maximum security facilities Sentencing and sentencing alternatives Reentry programs to include information on the effectiveness for each program Treatment programs Available programs (female, male, and juvenile inmates) Inclusion criteria (How does an inmate qualify for these programs?) Community corrections Types of offenders and crimes for participating in community corrections Types of sentences Recidivism Rates: Review overall recidivism and parole recidivism (if your state uses a parole system). Tips: Start by exploring your state’s website, but you may select other state systems to examine. Look for a link that may have the words department reports, statistics, research, data, and so forth. Research the internet for the history of your prison or correctional system. If possible, this is not a requirement. Find someone who works in the system who is willing to participate in a phone or other media interview. What is he history of your selected prison system? Part 2 Follow these guidelines to complete Part 2 of the Course Project PowerPoint assignment. Identify alternatives that can be employed to improve the system. Look at other countries for alternatives on how to deal with inmates. Research the approaches used in other countries with lower crime and incarceration rates in both developed and undeveloped countries (China, Japan, Germany, France, Iraq, Iran, or any country of your choice). Select one specific country or system. Compare and contrast your findings from the country of your choice to the information you located regarding your state’s corrections program. Are there elements of their system that are appropriate for use in the United States? What aspects of these other systems could be used by a U.S. corrections facility? Consider the big picture of implementation, such as training, budget, culture, inmate rights, and acceptance by both inmates and staff. How might culture play a part in the acceptance of these innovations for both staff and inmates? Part 3 Follow these guidelines to complete Part 3 of the Course Project PowerPoint assignment. Make your final recommendations to your committee. Your final recommendations will be based on your findings and research on successful approaches in the field. Remember to include your resources (at least four, including government websites) and notes. Do not use blogs or nonacademic websites. Tips: Use informational graphics on the slides and place your notes in the notes section. Course Project Draft and Annotated Bibliography Open and review the Week 5 Course Project Draft and Annotated Bibliography template during Week 1 of this course. Start filling in this template as you conduct research for your Final Course Project. Research for this project should start in Week 1. To complete this assignment, you will use this Course Project Draft and Annotated BibliographyLinks to an external site.Open this document with ReadSpeaker docReader template. This assignment includes an outline and annotated bibliography. You will need to cite five sources in your annotated bibliography and provide one paragraph of information explaining why each article was selected. Use the assignment rubric categories as subtopic titles in your outline. Doing so will ensure you address all of the elements of the rubric. Make sure to include at least two bullet points of information for each subtopic. You will continue to gather information for your Course Project during Weeks 6 and 7, which is due at the end of Week 7. You will also share your presentation with the class by posting it to the discussion during Week 8.

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