Explain how you would measure whether the message was successful (because what is the point if it isn’t successful?).

Social media in particular has been a game-changer for brand building, customer relations, and customer satisfaction. Shoppers are increasingly turning to social media for retail and often look for help with buying decisions. With that shift, consumers have paved a new purchase journey for retailers to follow. Many businesses adopting social media as a promotional mechanism often use social media solely as if it were a traditional one-way ad instead of a two-way communication channel. The following are several common types of business messages in social media that attract customer activity:

Promotions and discounts
Latest product information
Customer support
Entertaining content
Ability for customers to offer feedback
Imagine you are working for your dream employer, part of your current role is to manage the companies social media accounts. Your boss has asked you which social media options the company should use. Your task is to submit a 2-3 paragraph response describing your business message and explaining what you see as the best social media channel is for your company to present this message. This assignment has two parts: writing a business message and analyzing, justifying, and evaluating which social media channel you should use to present the business message.

Part 1
To create your business message, first decide on one goal: a) Increase sales or b) Build affinity with your customers. You can use the bullet points above and any content from the eBook to decide on the type of business message you want to share.

Part 2
Choose a social media platform that best fits your message—you can use any social media channels presented in this module. In 2-3 paragraphs, explain/analyze why this social media channel is the right one for the message (this could focus on why the other options are not good). Explain how you would measure whether the message was successful (because what is the point if it isn’t successful?). In your response, you should also describe how a successful business message presented on social media can impact customer loyalty, ensure customer retention, and expand publicity. Make sure you cite any sources.

Optional Assignment Resources
The Modern Guide to Social Media for Retail
Social media marketing: a guide for business
5 Lessons from The Top Retail Brands on Social Media
How Three Leading Retailers Created Successful Social Media Marketing Strategies
Once you have written your initial response, respond constructively to the post of at least 1 of your peers. Note what you find interesting about their response and whether your perspective has been similar or different. Your response must include more information and critical thought than, “I like your posting,” or “I agree.” Remember to always support your ideas with details, examples, and/or explanations. If you are having some difficulty generating a thoughtful reply, consider the following sentence starters:

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