Define Populations and Samples for Study Feasibility.

Section 1
Define the following terms in your own words (cite references as appropriate):

Target Population
Source Population
Study population
Sampling Frame
Inclusion/exclusion Criteria
Representative Sampling
Sampling Method/Technique
Differentiate Random and Non-probability Sampling
Give at least 3 types of Probability Random Sampling
Give at least 3 types of Non-Probability Sampling
Section 2
Consider your evolving study. Respond to the following questions related to the work you have done so far in the course:

With respect to your study, what are the target, source, and study populations?
What are the sampling frame and inclusion/exclusion criteria for your working quantitative study from Week 4? How do the sampling frame and inclusion/exclusion criteria differ for your qualitative study from Week 5?
Given the quantitative and qualitative designs you chose for Weeks 4 and 5, what would be a specific sampling method/technique for both? Are those sampling techniques probability or non-probability methods/techniques?
Section 3
Discuss the feasibility of your study by responding to the following prompts:

Provide at least one paragraph discussing how your population and sampling choices may affect your study’s feasibility.
Include a brief discussion of how sample size may affect feasibility.
Provide at least one paragraph discussing the relationship of your overall design, study population, and sampling choices and how they may affect the feasibility of your study.

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