Week 4 Discussion Forum Disaster Management Peer Comments.

Substantive Peer Responses: You must write scholarly responses to two student posts for full participation credit. You may respond to a fellow classmate or you may answer a question your instructor posts. They will both be counted as your required responses. When posting your peer responses, posts that are “Good job” or “Good post, I learned so much” type of response postings will not be accepted as substantial postings. To receive full credit you need to have a substantial response post that includes references and in-text citations. You need to either add additional information to another’s post, clarify information, or provide examples which will prove the point. Do not ask another student a question as a response post. If you have a question, look up the information and share it with the class. Remember, any information you post as fact must be supported by evidence. APA Requirements: Each post must have a reference and in-text citations. When thinking about what information needs to be cited, unless you did the actual research to discover the information, you must cite it. Ensure your communications are scholarly and appropriate. You are encouraged to present alternate viewpoints in your discussions; however, they must be presented respectfully and in a scholarly manner. Include citations and references to make your point. You need to get 2 scholarly sources for my classmate’s comments. Please let me know as soon as possible if you need any questions or clarifications.

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