Describe the history and philosophy of the American Criminal Justice system.

This assignment supports the following Student Learning Outcomes (SLOs) and Marketable Skills:

SLO 1: Describe the history and philosophy of the American Criminal Justice system.
SLO 2: Explain the nature and extent of crime in America.
SLO 3: Analyze the impact and consequences of crime.
SLO 4: Evaluate the development, concepts, and functions of law in the criminal justice system.
SLO 5: Describe the structure of contemporary federal, state, and local justice agencies and processes.
Marketable Skills:
Communication: Written (SLO 4)
Critical Thinking: Analysis & Problem Solving (SLO 3)
Critical Thinking: Problem Solving (SLO 3)
Empirical & Quantitative: Scientific Method (SLO 3)
Social Responsibility: Historical Perspective (SLO 1, SLO 2, & SLO 5)
Social Responsibility: Intercultural Competency (SLO 3)
Social Responsibility: Social Justice (SLO 4)
Note: The Student Learning Outcomes and Marketable Skills are not the assignment questions you need to answer.

Assignment Overview: After completing the required three “You Make the Call” simulations: Police Patrol, Courtroom Workshop, and Community Corrections, answer the following questions for each simulation in paragraph format. A minimum of one paragraph response is required for each question.

Police Patrol Simulation

Topic 1: Compare your gut reaction with your decision after further investigation (SLO 5)

How did the information you gathered from the scene and the interview with the driver affect your reasoning?
Were you equally confident in both decisions?
Topic 2: Describe the impact of the variations (SLO 2)

How did the changes to particular factors of the incident affect your reasoning?
What other changes to the incident would have affected your decisions and how?
Topic 3: Consider the consequences of your decisions (SLO 2)

Describe positive and negative consequences of your decisions from the perspective of the driver, yourself as the responding officer, and the community.
Courtroom Workgroup Simulation

Topic 1: Explain how discretion is used in the court system (SLO 4)

What power over the plea-bargaining process does the prosecutor have? What power over the plea bargain does the defense attorney have? How does the judge’s discretion come into play?
What discretionary power were you, as an assistant prosecutor, exercising in the Casullo case?
Topic 2: Describe the roles of the members of the courtroom workgroup. (SLO 1)

The court system was founded as a process for two opposing parties to go before an impartial judge to argue a case on behalf of the people they represent. However, as you have experienced, the prosecutor, defense attorney, and judge more often collaborate to decide the outcome of a case. How does this collaboration hinder the service of justice and how does it help?
Topic 3: Discuss the pretrial process and plea bargains (SLO 1)

What, in your view, characterizes a successful plea bargain? If you recommended trial in the Baxter case, could a successful plea have been possible and what would it be? If you recommended a plea in the Baxter case did it meet most of the criteria for a successful plea bargain? What changes might make your recommendation more successful?
Community Corrections Simulation

Topic 1: Compare your reactions to the two versions of Thomas Clark (SLO 3)

What was your first impression of the ORIGINAL version of your probationer and how did his introduction and case file affect that impression? What about the ALTERNATE version of your probationer?
Topic 2: Discuss your views about probation before and after working with these probationers (SLO 3)

Before you started working with these probationers, what did you think probation would be like for an offender? Did the conditions of probation for each version of Thomas fit your expectations? Has your concept of probation changed? How?
Topic 3: Explain your use of discretion as a probation officer (SLO 3)

What was the most challenging thing for you in making your decisions about how to handle the technical violations of each version of the probationer?
How did you decide what kinds of help to give original Thomas? What did you learn from making these decisions?
Deliverables: A 2-3 page double spaced paper.

Instructions To successfully complete this assignment, follow the steps below:

Research: Using your textbook and the required simulations, answer the questions provided in the assignment overview.
Write: Two to three page paper answering the questions provided in the assignment overview.
Guidelines: Assignment should be at least two (2) pages in length and completed using a Microsoft Word document. Paper should be in APA format and include proper citations of all referenced research. Note: The minimum page count does not include your title page and references page. Also, in summarizing the arguments and evidence presented in your paper, it is important for you to use your own words. Plagiarism is impermissible.
Attach & Submit: Attach your Microsoft Word document file and submit using the “Attach File” tool at the bottom of your assignment instructions.
Grading Rubrics: The assignment grading rubrics can be viewed and downloaded in the “Files” tab located under the Navigation menu to the left of your course.

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