Identify & explain the visual techniques used in the ad (color psychology, the rule of thirds, body language, focal point).

The Advertisement
Remember that you want an ad that will provide you with enough to analyze so that you can write an entire essay about it. If you choose one that is too simple to analyze, then your writing (and probably your grade) will suffer.

Take a screenshot, copy and paste, or save the link (if a commercial) of the ad and save it. You will need to include this either on the first page of your essay or, if it’s a link, you can provide it in the introduction. If your instructor cannot view the ad, they will not be able to properly assess your analysis.

The Advertisement
Prompt: Select a school-appropriate advertisement and write a five-paragraph essay (minimum) with a minimum of 2 full pages of your own writing in which you complete the following tasks:

Lesson 4.1:
Determine the type of advertisement (brand, retail, directory, political, direct response, native, or PSA).
Identify the target audience.
Identify & explain the techniques used specific to the type of advertisement.
Lesson 4.2:
Identify & explain the general advertising techniques used (repetition, bandwagon, nostalgia, endorsement).
Identify & explain any propaganda included in the ad.
Lesson 4.3:
Identify & explain the visual techniques used in the ad (color psychology, the rule of thirds, body language, focal point).
Lesson 4.4:
Analyze the placement, word choice, and visual techniques used in the text features of the ad (headline, subhead, copy, call-to-action, & images).
Identify whether or not the ad could qualify as “clickbait.”
Objectively summarize the analysis of the advertisement.
Use APA formatting for in-text and Reference Page citations
Citing Your Sources
You will use APA format to cite your sources. Your sources can be the lessons in the course as well as the specific advertisement that you are analyzing.

Your text should be cited at the end of the essay on its own page that has the title “References” using this example format for a guide. These are only examples of how to cite the lesson, not how to cite the source for your selected ad. Each lesson in the module will have its own source citation.

Excel High School. (2022a). “Lesson 4.2: Advertising Strategies.” English 10. Retrieved April 22, 2022, from *insert URL for the lesson here without the asterisks*.

Excel High School. (2022b). “Lesson 4.5: Analyzing an Advertisement.” English 10. Retrieved April 22, 2022, from *insert URL for the lesson here without the asterisks*.

Because you will be using sources with the same author (Excel High School) and the same year (2022), you will organize the sources in alphabetical order by the name of the lesson (Lesson 4.1 would be listed first) and then when you use in-text citation, you will label them with a, b, c, d, or e as you saw in the References page example. See below for an example of the in-text citation format.

Bandwagon strategy is “a marketing tool that relies on using people’s fear of missing out or a desire to belong to the in-group in order to gain consumers” (Excel High School, 2022a).

The “a” in the in-text citation refers to the first lesson listed on your “References” page; in this case, Lesson 4.2 is listed first.

The Rubric
This assignment will use the Excel General Rubric. You can find a video about the rubric to view, but the rubric is also found in this assignment as well. Be sure to review the rubric before you begin working on the assignment. That way, you will fully understand how you will be scored on this written assessment.

Step 1: Brainstorming
You can remake these graphic organizers in your notes or click on the link to download and print them. They will help make sure that you collect evidence from and analyze the advertisement in an organized way. You will not turn in these graphic organizers; they are only here to help you with the brainstorming phase of The Writing Process.

Type of Advertisement & Target Audienceeneral Advertising Techniques & Propaganda
Based on the information in the lessons, identify & explain the general advertising techniques used (repetition, bandwagon, nostalgia, endorsement) and any propaganda included in the ad.

full image
Click here to view a version of the graphic organizer you can translate with Immersive Reader and download to print

Visual Advertising Techniques
Based on the information in the lessons, identify and explain the visual techniques used in the ad (color psychology, the rule of thirds, body language, and focal point).

full image
Click here to view a version of the graphic organizer you can translate with Immersive Reader and download to print

Advertising Text Features
Based on the information in the lessons, analyze the placement, word choice, and visual techniques used in the text features of the ad (headline, subhead, copy, call-to-action, & images).

Identify whether or not the ad could qualify as “clickbait.”

full image
Click here to view a version of the graphic organizer you can translate with Immersive Reader and download to print

Steps 2 & 3: Organizing and Writing the Essay
Once you have gathered all of your information, you’re going to want to take some time to organize your information. You can use the Writing Lab’s Organization section to help you.

After you’ve organized the information, you will want to write a draft. Drafting your essay will be based on the brainstorming and organizing you have done, but you can find some helpful tips under Drafting in The Writing Lab.

Don’t forget the summary paragraph at the end!

Step 4: Revise Your Essay
Once your draft is written, you need to take some time to revise it. You can use the Revision lessons in The Writing Lab to help you identify how to do this.

Step 5: Edit Your Essay
Finally, when you are happy with the essay, complete some Editing; again, you can use the Editing lessons in The Writing Lab to fine-tune the grammar, usage, and mechanics in your essay.

Step 6: Submit Your Final Draft
Once you’re happy with your narrative, you will submit it.Excel General Rubric (2)
Excel General Rubric (2)
Criteria Ratings Pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeContent
main idea and supporting details address the writing prompt
5 pts
Exceptionally clear, focused, engaging with relevant, strong supporting details
4 pts
Evident main idea with support which may be general or limited
3 pts
Main idea may be cloudy because supporting details are too general or lack support of topic
2 pts
Needs Improvement
Purpose and main idea are unclear, irrelevant details
1 pts
Lacks apparent main idea; development is minimal or non-existent
5 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeOrganization
structure, introduction, body, conclusion
5 pts
Exceptionally clear, focused, engaging with relevant, strong supporting details
4 pts
Organization is appropriate; evident attempt of clear intro, body and conclusion
3 pts
Organization is fair; may be a “list” of events; intro, body and/or conclusion not fully developed
2 pts
Needs Improvement
Lack of structure; disorganized and hard to follow; missing or weak intro, body and/or conclusion
1 pts
Lack of coherence; confusing; no identifiable introduction or conclusion
5 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeVoice/Word Choice/Fluency
sentence variety, grammar, spelling, punctuation
5 pts
Expressive and engaging, carefully chosen words, complex and varied sentences, exceptional control of standard conventions of writing
4 pts
Functional language with broad range of words, good sentence structure with variety, strong control of conventions, errors are minor
3 pts
Sentence variety is evident but awkward, monotonous and choppy structure, control of most writing conventions
2 pts
Needs Improvement
Limited sentence variety, limited control of conventions with frequent errors
1 pts
Lacks sentence variety and structure, difficult to follow, confusing at times, grammar errors are distracting
5 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeAPA Format
three main components must be included: title page, in-text citations, reference page
5 pts
Full Marks
The three components are error free, ample mix of quotations and paraphrasing implemented with in-text citations
4 pts
Minimal errors in the three components and in-text citations are provided throughout the essay
3 pts
Formatting errors apparent in the three components and/or paper lacks sufficient in-text citations
2 pts
Needs Improvement
The three components are attempted but incorrectly formatted and/or paper needs additional in-text citations
1 pts
One or more of the three components is missing, in-text citations are not implemented (automatic resubmission required indicated by a score of 11)
5 pts
Total Points: 20

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