Describe how the data will be collected, by whom, and why. Justify your reason for choosing these methods and support your assertions with scholarly sources.

For this Assignment, please submit the following:

Draft a survey instrument of 10 questions and responses for your chosen disease/topic and population (Diabetes among Native American Population) Include the following types of questions:

3 demographic questions (e.g., age, race/ethnicity, income, marital status, employment)
3 risk factor questions (e.g., drug use, diet, physical activity)
3 social/cultural/environmental questions (e.g., family role, religion, exposure to toxin)
One disease question
Align methods for collecting survey data from participants in your study with the sampling plan chosen (or revised per feedback) in Module 2, (will attach assignment from Module 2) and describe how the data will be collected, by whom, and why.
Justify your reason for choosing these methods and support your assertions with scholarly sources.

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