How can leaders of new ventures adapt organizational elements to support ambidexterity during the organizational life cycles?

This thesis proposal is about how leaders of start ups (new ventures) can use organizational elements to support ambidexterity during the organizational life cycles.I found research that supports that ambidexterity has a positive impact on new ventures. I want to use that to research how to leverage that within organizational elements for different life cycles of a new venture( I already wrote a one page introduction. For this thesis proposal I will need the following: INTRODUCTION:Mainly talk about the hook, the purpose and the motivation, objective and the mail goal, importance (2 pages) Literaturive Review PartWhat is known in the literature and what is missing (3 to 4 pages) Research questionMETHODOLOGY(how to analyze and collect the data) (2± pages) Thesis outlineShowing how you want to manage the time, the planning (1 pagepage

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