What is the role of technology in the development of sport?

5-page paper (double spaced, 1-inch margins
on all 4 sides, Times New Roman font, 12-point font
 Do not go under 5 pages; do not go past the 5th
 Structuring your paper with a strong opening, an
informative, research-based middle/body, and a
strong conclusion, write a 5-page paper discussing
Technology in the Sports Communication World.
The world of sports communications continues to explode more and
more with each passing year (and every month-to-month).
Technological advances and innovations are critical to the success of
nearly everyone’s job in the sports industry, which in turn leads to the
success of the team, league or organization.
 Pick a technological, device, tool, or initiative and discuss how it
makes the job of a Sports Communication Director/VP of Marketing
easier and more streamlined.

 Please cite your examples and references – both from the textbook, as
well as the Internet (website sources must be reliable ones. If you’re in
doubt, contact me to vet the source).
 Quotes from personnel within the industry – either those who created it
and/or those who use it – should be included in your paper, too.
Remember – harkening back to our module on Sports Journalism and
Writing, giving your article quotes, adds backbone and supports your
theory/stance on a topic.
 As you can see, this should be a hybrid of a research-based approach
to writing, as well as infusing the paper with what you see as the most
critical and popular tech today.What is the technology in the world of sports?
How has technology impacted the sports industry?
What is the role of technology in the development of sport?
What is the benefit of using technology in sport?
How does technology improve performance in sports?
How can ICT be applied in sports?

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