What relevant care was planned to achieve health care goal?

This assignment needs to be patient specific with very specific details about a patient for heart failure and fluid volume excess. It needs to have one primary NANADA nursing diagnosis. It cannot be a vague and it has to be specific…. Includes a purpose statement. The purpose of this case presentation is to present. States why this case is an important learning opportunity. Provide necessary supportive statistical data on a medical condition. Demographics (age, height, weight, BMI, sex, race [cultural considerations], and occupation) Admitting medical diagnosis relevant to the presentation Physiological adaptation of the condition(s) (focus on important Pathophysiology concerns, use citations Nursing process approach (use of citations will add value to support your statements). Assessment (your assessment) Vital signs and focused nursing health assessment related to the diagnosis. Medication assessment (lists all medications ordered relevant to the patient’s condition). Laboratory and diagnostic tests related to the condition. Three Nursing Diagnosis and prioritize the most important nursing diagnosis and explain your rationale for your choice (It is acceptable to combine the planning and implementation phases of the nursing process) Planning/Implementation (What relevant care was planned to achieve health care goal? (What did you do for the priority nursing diagnosis?) Evaluation (Present 3 nursing actions that were effective and/or ineffective to care goal) effective action toward goal outcome.

ineffective actions toward goal outcomes (if present) Summarize the case and identify what is unique about this case? minimum of 5 and a maximum of 10, double spaced, Times New Roman 12 pt. font size with 1 inch margins and headings appropriate for the case using APA 7th ed. Direct quotes may be used to emphasize a thought, provide a definition, or state an author’s position or opinion. Direct quotes are limited to three (3) or less than 5% of the total word count for the paper. Three or more nursing journal articles are the expectation. Within the last 5 years.

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