What are the three most important hacks, tools, or tips, you will take with you from this weeks content?

Part I: Continuing from last week (40 points) — Better Search Phrases Now that you have read this week’s content on ethical googling and search phrasing (better search getter / heuristics phrases) and have seen an example of this activity in the reading, reconsider your list from last week, and revise accordingly. Remember that each question, below, should be met with five words, not a sentence, that answer to the question. These will be used in a number of combinations to break free of your filter bubble. Who? (hint: Share five people, groups, ages, occupations. We cannot say “everyone,” that will not help. Get specific.)What?When?Where?Why?How? Part II: Your Four Website Collection (90 points) Take the information you learned in this week’s Modules Task List, and perform a Google search. Instead of searching your topic, search different combinations of the answers you provided in last week’s discussion forum (the better search getter phrases, otherwise known as heuristics). Remember to log out of accounts, attempt new search engines, and more, as you read this week. Explore and gather GOOD results, creating a list of sources with the information, below. You should have FOUR good website sources, each with a mini-list of it’s own, filling out the information below, completely. Students are responsible, as noted, for analyzing websites with the reading content and information provided in the task list, this week. Without such standards, criteria cannot be met. All bullet points should be answered. Website Title — Research it. Who are they? What do they represent or stand for?Website LinkCredibility of Author(s) and Source — Research them. Who are they? Why are they credible within this topic? Use the CRAAP Test.In three sentences, summarize the article. What is the point? Is it biased? How do you know?Many students wonder what information to quote. This is key. Copy and paste important information YOU DID NOT ALREADY KNOW. If an article is filled with information you knew, this is not your article.What does the information you quoted mean, to you? (word for word — this explanation should be as long as the quote or longer.)What should you research, from here? This is important, do not be general. Now that you learned what you did from this source, what does it make you think you need to learn, from here?Part III: Content Reflection (70 points) After watching / reading this week’s content, reflect on the idea of “ethical googling.” What is similar to what you have previously done, while researching? What is different? Why is this important to your life, to your decisions? What are the three most important hacks, tools, or tips, you will take with you from this weeks content? (Name the title of the document you learned each of your three hacks, tools, or tips.)

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