What does the title represent and symbolize and how does it connect to the larger theme(s) of the novel?

You must use Clayton Byrd Goes Underground as a source and cite evidence from the novel to develop and support your analysis; it is also mandatory to integrate ideas from the textbook, Children’s Literature, Briefly, seventh edition into the essay. Be specific and thorough in your analysis. Integrating research sources outside of Clayton Byrd Goes Underground is not required as you will certainly have enough material from the textbook, Children’s Literature, Briefly, seventh edition and the novel to meet the required length (since we are all working from the same textbooks, a Works Cited page isn’t required; note if you are using outside sources, then a Works Cited page is mandatory).
Your essay should follow the standard structure of an academic essay with one introduction paragraph that ends with your thesis statement, several body paragraphs defending your thesis statement, and one conclusion paragraph that concludes and wraps up your essay by commenting on the title of the novel. What does the title symbolize and represent? Briefly explain.

Writing Prompt #4-Figurative Language: Metaphors and Symbolism. Clayton Byrd Goes Underground is filled with metaphors and symbolism, with one of the strongest being perhaps the idea of going underground into the hidden depths of the unfamiliar and unexplored underworld of the subway. Examine the symbolism behind the subway: what else could the subway tunnels stand for? What might Clayton Byrd really be running away from, running through, and running toward when he’s down there? Additionally, examine the symbols in the text such as Cool Papa’s porkpie hat—what, besides Cool Papa himself, might that hat symbolize? Finally, examine the genre of the blues. In the context of the novel and Clayton Byrd’s struggles, what could the blues symbolize? Discuss and examine what these symbols and metaphors represent and explain how they add depth and complexity to the overall theme of the text. Be sure to use chapter three of Children’s Literature, Briefly 7th edition, to inform your analysis.

Conclude the essay by discussing the significance of the title. What does the title represent and symbolize and how does it connect to the larger theme(s) of the novel? Explain in a few sentences.
How to Begin
Begin with a clear introduction, noting the book’s title (underlined or italicized) the author and a bit of background information about the story. Near the end of the introductory paragraph, clearly state your thesis/controlling idea.
For the body of the essay identify specific scenes from the text that prove your thesis statement.

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