How did the Battle of Antietam and the Emancipation Proclamation impact European views of the Civil War?

Just answer the questions correctly, my teacher doesn’t wasn’t sources cited! Just no Plagiarism

Workshop Three Quiz

Chapters 14-18)

Write your answers in a separate Word document.

1) List and briefly describe three Union victories in the western theater in the first year of the war.

2) Why was General Grant criticized after the Battle of Shiloh? Why did President Lincoln support him?

3) What methods did the Federal and state governments use to stimulate recruiting for the armies?

4) How would you describe President Lincoln’s relationship with General McClellan?

5) Who were the Copperheads? What were their political views?

6) How did Republicans and Democrats differ in their views of slavery and emancipation?

7) How did the Battle of Antietam and the Emancipation Proclamation impact European views of the Civil War?

8) How would you describe President Lincoln’s attitude toward civil liberties during the Civil War?

9) Why was Northern public morale so low in the winter of 1862/1863?

10) Why was the capture of Vicksburg so important to Union military strategy?

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