Health and Medicine: Assess the effectiveness of the implemented changes, ensuring continuous improvement.

The aim of this paper is to use a translational framework to guide your translational project with consideration of organizational and individual culture, barriers, and sustainability. Use the ACE Star Model of Knowledge framework. This paper will include: 1. Significance section that provides compelling data supported by evidence that indicates the importance of the problem needing a change. Please use the same practice problem you have been developing in NUR 663/664. 2. A project aim (s) 3. A limited review of the literature. Please discuss levels of evidence guiding your intervention or program (e.g., systematic review on the implementation of mandatory flu shots to reduce mortality is Level I). (Please avoid presenting the search strategy and databases examined.) 4. Choose a major framework (see Chapters 1 and 2 in White et al. (2021) to guide your translation of evidence into practice. 5. Define the chosen major framework.(Use the ACE Star Model of Knowledge framework. ) 6. Use the framework to explain the phases and stages of translation process. Incorporate your anticipated plans as you work though the model. 7. The paper should include considerations of organizational and individual culture, potential barriers to translation, and strategies to overcome barriers to ensure adoption of the new knowledge into practice. 8. Include an evaluation plan. How will you evaluate if the project was successful? 9. The paper should discuss your plans to ensure sustainability of the practice change. 10. Follow APA 7th edition format. 11. Limit paper length to 8 pages (page count to exclude title page, abstract* and reference section). *Please use a structured abstract with headings of Background, Aim, Methods, Results, Discussion. Please refer to grading rubric for details. You will want to make sure all rubric criteria are addressed. My scholarly project is to initiate smoke inhalation education for operating room staff and providers so they know the dangers of surgical smoke. Discussion Board from class: Smoke inhalation will be the focus of my Practice Immersion project at a level one trauma center . Choosing the proper Evidence-Based Practice (EBP) model is imperative for successfully implementing the practice immersion project in a healthcare system. According to the Universitys mission statement, it is dedicated to providing high-quality, compassionate health care, leading life-changing discoveries, and transforming the delivery of care for patients through innovative research, education, and prevention . Level one trauma center is a highly regarded academic medical center with a high volume of surgeries carried out every day. Given this setting, the ACE Star Model of Knowledge Transformation is the most suitable framework for guiding my projects. This model systematically translates research evidence into clinical practice, aligning perfectly with our organization’s goals of structured and evidence-based interventions. The ACE Star Model consists of five stages: Knowledge Discovery, Evidence Summary, Translation into Guidelines, Practice Integration, and Process and Outcome Evaluation (Stevens, 2012). The Knowledge Discovery phase involves generating new knowledge through primary research, which is crucial in an academic setting. For instance, studies on the effects of surgical smoke on OR staff and patients and identifying effective smoke evacuation systems fall into this stage. As part of the Evidence Summary, researchers are provided with a clear understanding of a variety of studies, which is essential for the development of an evidence base for interventions. This step ensures we rely on the best evidence to inform our practice (Stevens, 2012). In the Translation into Guidelines phase, we transform evidence into practical guidelines and protocols, such as developing protocols for using smoke evacuation systems during surgeries based on synthesized evidence. Practice Integration involves educating and training healthcare providers to adopt these new guidelines, ensuring they become standard practice. The final stage, Process and Outcome Evaluation, allows us to assess the effectiveness of the implemented changes, ensuring continuous improvement. This constant evaluation and refinement, facilitated by the ACE Star Model, are essential for maintaining high standards of patient care and operational efficiency. The ACE Star Model’s structure and emphasis on continuous improvement make it the ideal fit for integrating research into practice (Stevens, 2012). References Stevens, K. R. (2012). Delivering on the promise of EBP. Nursing Management (Springhouse), 43 (4), 19-21. doi: 10.1097/01.NUMA.0000413102.48500.1f. Stevens, K. (2013). The Impact of Evidence-Based Practice in Nursing and the Next Big Ideas | OJIN: The Online Journal of Issues in Nursing., 18(2). The Online Journal of Issues in Nursing .

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